Friday, 27 February 2015

Hannah Bakes- Mum's Victoria Sponge

Since taking this cake into work (as it is my birthday on Monday) I have had so many compliments on how yummy it is. I have decided to share it with you guys! Also why do you have to bring cakes in on your birthday? Shouldn't you be treated with cake!? But anyway here's the recipe...

It is my Mum recipe so I have decided to call it Mum's Victoria Sponge 

6oz of self rasing flour
6oz of marg
6oz of caster sugar 
3 eggs
1 tea spoon of baking power
2 round cake tins

- Cream together the marg and sugar with a electric hand mixer.
- Add the eggs a little bit at a time with a spoon full of flour and mix.
- Add the rest of the flour and baking power, a bit at a time until smooth and creamy.
- Half the mixture between the two cake tins.
- Bake for about 25mins on 180 degrees. Until fork comes out clean.


2oz of marg
6ozish of icing sugar
A few grips of vanilla essence 

- Soften the marg with a fork and add the icing sugar a bit at a time.
- Add in the vanilla essence and a tiny bit of cold water if needed to soften it.

Spread the butter cream on one half of the sponge and some strawberry jam on the other, sandwich together and dust with icing sugar.

I hope you like this recipe! It goes down very well with my lot!

Just Hannah 


  1. This looks delicious! Really want to bake a cake now uk

  2. Ahh, this looks so tasty! I'm really craving a big slice of cake and a cup of tea now.

    I never understood why you have to bring your own cake in on your birthday - it's the one day you're supposed to be treated!

