Wednesday, 16 April 2014

A Thought On A Thursday #001...

Just a quick little one today. 

My best friend Kerry is an absolute star and this quote makes me think of her. 

 We use to work together and saw each other nearly every day, since leaving that job two years a go we were both worried our friendship would fall by the way side but we have stayed solid and firm friends, maybe even better friends! 

We make sure we text more or less every day even if nothing much has happened it's just so nice to pick up my phone and see a smiley text from her just checking in. We are there for each other in every respect, for advice, a giggle, important decsions and random funny memories of which we have SO MANY. We meet up every few weeks when we can, luckily our boyfriends get on so we make an effort to go out for food or stay in and play a board game! 

Friendship is a two way street, it takes both party's to make the effort, it's like a love relationship I suppose. Lives get busy, clogged up with lots of stuff but you need to make time for your friends. In good and bad times your friends will be there and help you through. If they are any good and your treat them right they will stick around for you. Never take them for granted. 

Happy Thursday 

Just Hannah x


  1. Such a lovely post :) you right about friendship being two way xx
