Wednesday, 2 April 2014

L is for Lip's...

Here is the letter L in my A-Z of beauty series of posts. 

I hate it when my lips get dry, sore and flakey, it happens mostly in the winter, when I have a cold. Also when I'm nervous or anxious, I keep licking my lips! I tell myself not to do it and I know the next day they will feel yucky and horrible but still I do! It must be one of my querks! 

I use these products to keep them in tip toe condition and to resuce them when they are in need...

Lush has a FAB sugar lip scrub called.... and I use this in the morning and evening when my lips are feeling bad. Just press your finger tip into it and rub along your lips, the sugar is rough enough to do the job but it's not too harsh that it hurts. You can then dissolve the sugar and your done! 

At night I regularly use Dead Sea Spa 
Magik's Skin Softener on my lips. It's great for all kinds of dry or irritated skin, I swear by this product! Just a tiny weeny amont over your lips and your all set and I defo notice a huge difference in the morning my lips feel so soft! It's also fab for burns, scares and dry chapped heels!

I dare you to try Skin Doftener instead of Vaseline!? You won't go back I promise!! 

I sweep of my fave lip crayon and I'm done and ready to go! I think lip products apply and sit so much better on your lips if they are in good condition! I hate it when my lip product gets clogged up on the dry skin and it looks horrid! 

What's your face lip product out there? 

Just Hannah xxx


  1. I really want to try that Lush scrub! my friend has one and it smells so good, would love if you could check out my blog :)

  2. that lush lip scrub looks fab! please could you check out my blog
    thankyou xxx
